Hand and Wrist Trauma

Different Types of Trauma to the Hand or Wrist
Trauma commonly occurs to the hand and wrist. Bones can be broken or fractured from physical activity (falls, sports, etc.), car accidents, and more.  These breaks or fractures can be non-displaced (bone in position) or displaced (bone out of position).  Sometimes breaks can be managed in an office visit with simple splint or casting.  At other times, the bones can be realigned in office by manipulation or resetting the bones.  If the bones are too out of place, surgery is required to reset the bones and hold them in place with pins, plates, or screws. 

Another common form of trauma is a CRUSH INJURY which involves smashing your fingers or hand between two objects. When this happens, you run the risk of having nail bed lacerations or soft tissue injuries. So, what should you do if you crush your finger in a door, for instance? There could be an underlying broken bone or fracture beneath the nail bed.  Seeing your primary care provider is an important first step, who will refer you to DR HS Pretorius!  Untreated injuries may cause prolonged pain and dysfunction. Nails have more purpose than just cosmetic.  Nails improve dexterity, the ability to use the hand and fingers to manipulate objects, by providing tactile feedback and sensitivity in the hand. Possible negative long-term effects of not treating a crush injury may include nail deformity, loss of feeling, hypersensitivity, and possible cold intolerance.

Recovery for Hand and Wrist Fractures
If you have fractured your hand or wrist, it can take up to a year to fully heal. While healing, the hand and wrist may become stiff and weak. Regular visits to a Physiotherapist may be necessary.  Normal activity can be resumed at a moderate pace usually within three to four months following trauma.

While dealing with any of these hand and wrist conditions, it’s important to know that there is help. If pain continues, impacts your daily life, or has been bothering you for some time, a hand specialist, such as DR HS Pretorius, can step in to help you find relief.

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